Monday, February 28, 2011

History of the United States - Part I

C'mon, kiddies.

Sit down on the floor and let Gramps tell you a story about our country, the Good Old U. S. of A.

Way back when there was, a few good men and women folk decided they'd taken just about enough crap as the could from the King. You see, the King taxed everything and anything but all that money went right back to England. Not a cent was spent here.

So the Good Folks said to the King: "Screw You! No Taxation Without Representation!"

But the King had an answer for 'em:

"Hooray For Me: You Can Go To Hell!"

He wasn't about to change things around the Palace much, what with all of them there powdered wigs, High Teas, and wenches, and such.

The King even let his Red Coats break down the doors of those nice folks' homes. Let' em sleep in their bedrooms.

So the good people got together and wrote themselves a Declaration of Independence. They told the King, so to speak, where he could stick his taxes, his powdered wigs, his wenches, and his soldiers.

Today, we like to call it: in the Place where the Sun don't shine.

By and by, the good folk fought a little war with the King & the Red Coats over the matter. The French helped out a bit. Sent us a dude named Rochambeau, and another cat called Lafayette.

Today, we still tip our hats to 'em: named one of our favorite foods "French Fries." And that's a fact!

Anyway ...

War-fightin' costs money. As it happened, just about the only ones who had any money left over were the Rich Folk.

So the good folk had to take out a few loans from the Rich Folk, to pay for all of them muskets and gunpowder they used to shoot at King's soldiers, to run 'em out of the country.

After the war stopped, the Rich Folk wanted to control the new country, claiming that since they ponied up the money to procure the feedom, they were entitled to govern it.

But the good folk had an answer. They said: "Wait a minute, Chester! You put up the cash. But we put up the Blood, Sweat and Tears!"

The Rich Folks didn't like being talked to like that.

But they were smart.

They realized they had just two options open: stay here and pretend to play nice in the Sand Box; or go back to England and get themselves hung.

They weren't fools.

They decided to stay here, lay low like a snake for a while, and bide their time.

Anyhow, the Good Folk went off to Philadelphia. They wrote themselves a Constitution -- which is kind of like a Big Blue Print that told other good folk in the country how things would run and how things were going to be.

They even added a few amendments at the end of it, to guarantee the rights of every citizen.

But the Rich Folk didn't like this Constitution-thang too much, either.

They started a group back then called the "anti-federalists" to bitch and moan about anything and everything.

(Today, the "anti-federalists" are called the "Tea Baggers." That's the God's Honest Truth!)

And every once in a while, the Rich Folk try to steal everything back.

They see economic and political power as their Divine Right, in repayment for liberties that were actually purchased by the Blood, Sweat and Tears of the Good Folks.

And to keep the good folk off-balance, Rich Folks create something called a "recession" or an occasional "depression" from time to time.

When they find their money situation getting tight -- and by "tight," I mean that they're bank accounts are down to under $100 million -- they start something called a "war."

As far as I can tell, the Rich Folk were the only ones who benefitted by and by. Heck, they even didn't have to send their children or their grandkids off to do the fightin'.

Oh, well...

Gramps is gettin' a tad tired right about now.

So I'll stop.

But before I head off to the Bunk House to take a little snooze, I'd like to end it by telling y'all about a man named Woody Guthrie.

He wrote a song called "This Land Is Your Land" many years ago. That song sums up how Good Folks feel about the Good Old U. S. Of A.

Might want to check it out on Google or U Tube if and when y'all have the time.

So, Now!

C'mon over and give Gramps a Big Ole Wet Kiss before he hits the hay!

Oh! By the way. The anti-federalist, Neo-Con, Tea Baggers absolutely despise Woody.

And that, as I like to say, is another story ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Smorgasbord - 2/27/11

Keep The Heat On!

It does my heart wonders to see the labor unions finally joining together, sticking up for their collective rights.

Just about every observer got this one right: the election of Neo-Con, Tea-Bagger-Ass-Kissing Republicans to governorships and to legislatures signalled the Final Assault on unions, and workers' rights, in several key states.

And a Mega Tip-O-The-Hat goes to the Progressive Blogger who got through to Wisconsin's Neo-Con Guvvie by posing as a bazzionaire! Talk about ratting out an agenda!

As mentioned in a previous post, the Conservative Wing of the GOP has been praying for, and actively planning for, the Demise of the Unions for almost 80 years. Neo-Cons made it an Article Of Their Faith.

The results of last fall's election empowered them, flushed with Tea Bagger Bravado, to take a sip of the Cool Ade and implement this Plan of Destruction

Keep one very important factor in-mind: The Neo-Con Tea-Baggers got their base vote out.

We didn't.

Lesson Learned!

Neo-Con / Tea Bagger Fuzzy - Wuzzy Math

The arguments from Wisconsin, Ohio, New Jersey and, soon, from a state very near you, goes something like this:

To bring state budgets in-line, state employees and critically-needed services for the less-fortunate must bear the brunt of the budget cuts.

Let's shelf the attack on unions and the less-fortunate for a moment and go back to make a critical evaluation of how a state budget actually comes together.

Government calculates how much it will cost to run the state; and then it examines its available revenue options to pay the bills.

A (expenses) = B (revenues)

But government cannot balance the equation if it refuses to apportion the revenue burden, equally and fairly, among its citizens -- including its corporate citizens.

In fact, these Neo-Con Bustards have plans to actually cut the tax rate for corporations and its wealthiest citizens, further penalizing low-to-medium income earners who will pay a disproportionate share of their earnings to state government AND suffer from a reduction in the quantity and quality of basic services.

Here are a few of the Neo's Boo-Hoos being used to back up their Draconian Plan.
  • "We have to improve the Business Climate, which will create jobs."
  • "Unions and collective bargaining will bankrupt our state."
  • "We must cut the budget to make things better for our children's children."
Here's some Responses:
  • Do you really think a business would consider relocating to any state which lowers its education standards through slashing school funding?
  • Do you really believe that slamming unions -- instead of working with them -- is the long-term solution to a state's budget shortfall? If so, go ahead and hire a "rent-a-cop" shop to provide state police protection -- and then see what happens.
  • Do you think your children's children will enjoy living in a state where under-funded schools are in ruins, libraries and boarded up, your Interstates resemble Baghdad, and weed-infested state parks are no longer extant?
There's a way out:
  • Cap state expenses until the economy rebounds.
  • Raise taxes on those who can afford to pay them the most.
A Question About Our Constitution

Now that each and every Neo-Con Tea Bagger is an Expert on the United States Constitution and Constitutional Law, ask one of them a simple question the next time they launch into one of their rants:

  • "How many Amendments are there?"
Seems as though the Arm Chair Supreme Court Justices & Constitutional Law Scholars are aware of just two: the 2nd, and the 10th.

In these Wild & Crazy Times, I'm grateful for ... the 21st!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Redux: Three Tenors, Thee Cancers

(NOTE: Forgive me if you've seen this post before. I put it out there last February when I had about 20 FB friends, and now that my FB friend list is substantially greater, I thought some of the new folk would enjoy reading what follows. As many of you know, Cancer and its treatment have a special place in my life. This piece deals with three famous Opera Stars who shared something in common...)


Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti and Jose Carreras -- They Of  "The Three Tenors" Fame --shared something in in common, a thing more profound than their magnificent tenor voices.

I'm not talking about their genuine Brotherly Love, affection, and respect for each other -- despite the media's patently false reports at one time that they were bitter rivals in the Brutal World of OperaDom.

I'm talking about how all three men fought valiantly against Cancer.

Each adopted different approaches in their battles, tactics which speaks volumes about their artistic personas and their personalities.

Pavarotti, who suffered from the most pernicious form, chose a Path of Initial Denial.

Domingo went into his treatment with pragmatism -- laced with a sobering dose of reality.

Carreras took the "Damn The Torpedoes" Approach, caring less about his outcomes than what researchers could learn to help other cancer victims.

These distinct approaches  frame the "Back Story" which I am just about to share with you.

Let us start with Luciano...

I'll always remember him as a barrel-chested, vastly-overweight, satyr-bearded Giant of a man who possessed the voice of an Archangel. Many who love Opera consider Pavarotti the Greatest Voice of his Generation.
I, for one, consider him to have been the greatest tenor of Italian Opera. He struggled with the French language in masterpieces such as Carmen, and was absolutely comical when it came to his massacre of the Mother Tongue of the great Wagnerian works.

That was the probable reason why he restricted his repertoires to Puccini (more about Jiacomo later), and other Italian composers, when he attained the summit of his career.

As most people know, Luciano lost his battle against Cancer a few years ago. He passed several months after he dropped out of public view: reason given -- standard, flacky "health reasons."

What we didn't know then, but what we know now, is that Pavarotti fought a valiant battle against the Mother Of All Cancers -- that which destroyed his pancreas.

Pavarotti's cancer manifested itself initially as a throbbing back ache. He also began to lose his appetite. He finally got around to paying a visit to his doctor ( I recall this occurred during his "World Farewell Tour.")

Within months, pancreatic cancer had reduced this Giant of a Man a frail, hollow skeleton wracked with constant, agonizing pain.

Other than his health caregivers, and members of his immediate family, few really knew what was really going on with him. Pavarotti had insulated himself well, from any and all visitors, right up to the end.

Placido Domingo's battle against cancer, happily, yielded a much different outcome.

As it always does, his cancer manifested itself through a series of symptoms: abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, night sweats, and an overpowering fatigue. Domingo knew these were not the signs of "Aging Gracefully" and he scheduled his medical appointment when his calendar cleared from his duties as Artistic Director of a couple of Big Opera Companies, his Maestro ship with a few Well-Known Symphonies, and his Operatic Performance Schedule: about ten months later.

He found out that he had an advanced stage of Colon Cancer. Wisely, he placed his career on hold and asked the doctors to use all of the arts and skills to help him live.

Months removed from an operation to rid his body of colon cancer last year, Domingo strode onto the Met Stage in late February to render Tristan -- a performance that was carried, live, by NPR.

(The same NPR the Waskily Wabbit Neo-Cons in Congress had in their Cross Hairs for Big Budget Cuts. I couldn't resist the dig!)

Domingo has resumed performing -- conducting, composing and singing -- years after most Opera Greats have packed it in for the Sands of The Riviera; and audiences and critics alike assert that his voice and his other talents have improved, like a fine Cognac, with age.

He's just a leaner version now with hair of pure silver color.

If Pavarotti was the finest Italian Red Wine, and if Domingo was the Best Aged Cognac, then Jose Carreras has to be compared with, metaphorically-speaking, the World's Best Chocolate.

What he lacked in "Presence," he made up for with his ability to physically "Deliver" a role on-stage -- with an  incredible blend of voice, energy and body language that amazed audiences worldwide.

But it wasn't always that way.

Back in the 1980s, Jose checked in with his doctors after he detected there was something wrong with stamina. Medical tests revealed that he had suffered from the onset of a particularly nasty strain of Leukemia, the kind that seemed to defy treatment, the one which claimed the lives of over 90% of its victims within a year of the initial diagnosis.

So he decided to become the Operatic Equivalent of a Lab Rat. He enrolled in a clinical trial here in the US in which he was administered all kinds of emerging chemistry designed to wipe out the cancer-causing factors embedded within his bone marrow.

By the time the medical scientists were through with him, Carreras' red-and-white blood counts were lower than those of a terminal AIDS patient. In a last-ditch effort to save him, the doctors gave Jose a high-risk bone marrow transplant -- and a 6% chance of making it.

Feeling worse than ever, Carreras decided to return to his home in Spain, to wait and see if the marrow transplant would work: if not, to die.

He made no effort to conceal his plight: in many respects, Jose Carreras became, with much public Bravery, the Poster Boy for advancements in the treatment of Leukemia.

As fortune would have it, and at precisely the time at which Carreras's despair sank to its lowest, an Opera was in-performance near his Hacienda. Domingo was the headliner.

Carreras' business manager called the Opera House and secured Box Seat tickets, just above the stage. He arrived in a nondescript sedan, incognito. In an effort to maintain the secrecy of his presence, he was wheel-chaired to his Box Seat, down a dimmed and now-empty corridor, right about the time the Overture was coming to its end.

Carreras revelled in the performance throughout first two acts of this particular production, viewed from within the anonymity and seclusion of his darkened box ... that is, until Domingo happened to look upward from center stage halfway through Act III.

Placido later said that he wasn't 100% certain, but the man he saw sitting in the Box Seat bore a striking resemblance to his good friend and sometime rival. He stopped the performance dead in its tracks, and at precisely at the moment when the audience starting wondering what had happened, Domingo strode to Stage Left, pointed to the box, and acknowledged Carrera's presence in the theatre.

Russians love their poets and Spaniards are just as rabid about their own Opera Stars. On this particular night of performance, with two legends in the House -- one near Death's Door -- the unexpected happened.

Domingo spoke from his heart, offering a prayer that Carreras would win his battle against Leukemia.

The orchestra, female lead, the entire cast, the stage hands, and audience joined Domingo in a 20-minute long standing ovation.

Infused with such passionata, Jose Carreras went on to full remission.

There is one aria which will forever bind Pavarotti, Domingo and Carreras together: "Nessun Dorma" from the Opera Turnadot by Puccini. I won't bore you with setting the scene because I'm dead-on certain that you know about this opera.

What you might not know is this.

Puccini died from Throat Cancer.

He never got to finish the Opera.

Nessun Dorma was the last piece he wrote.

Anyway, the last lines of Nessun Dorma are: "All'alba vincerĂ²! vincerĂ², vincerĂ²!"

Translation: "At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!"

Three Tenors Indeed!

Three cancers... three battles ... three outcomes.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Really Happened To Unions

There's a Joke circulating around, one that might have a more-than-coincidental bearing on Labor Unrest in Wisconsin, Ohio, New Jersey and -- very soon -- in a slew of other states near you.

The Joke goes something like this:

A life-time Union Democrat Guy named Charley is about to retire and move to Florida. Been on the job almost 46 years.

So he sells the house, gets his gold watch, signs some papers, and then he and the Missus hop into their Buick and head South.

Day after he arrives in the Sunshine State, he goes down to the bank, opens an account, and deposits the big check he got at the Closing.

Next, Charley buys a Condo.

Then, he trades in the Buick for a new Lexus rag top.

So he and the Missus drive over to the County Building, to file for their Homestead Exemption.

And while they're there, they both register as Republicans.

The County Clerk, himself a Republican, and seeing they both were life-long Democrats now signing up with the GOP, casually asks why they were changing political parties.

To which Charley says:

"My kids are all long out of college. I made a killing when I sold the house. I got my pension, Social Security, and a pretty good medical plan through Medicare. And I upgraded my car to a Lexus. Now that I'm retired, life is great! Who needs the Democrats!"

Sorry, Charley: You Do!

And I'm not talking about the Blue Dogs (fiscally-conservative, socially liberal Ds), I'm saying you'll need Liberals and Progressives to come riding to the Rescue if the Neo-Con Conservative, Tea Bagger-backed Wing of the GOP gets its way.

They're starting slow: going after Collective Bargaining Rights. If they win this one, they'll negate your right to Strike. It's also just a matter of time before they come after your State Pension & Benefit Plan.

But why should the Neo-Cons and their allies stop there? They'll also be gunning to de-certify State Unions entirely -- screwing your Union brothers and sisters back home -- at the same time, looking for ways to Privatize state services over the next two years.

If you think this can't happen, I have just one word for you: "Wackenhut."

What many, if not most, unions and their members fail to remember is this crucial point: The Republican Party's Conservative Wing and their allies such as the Neo-Cons and the Tea Baggers, have been praying for -- and planning -- your demise for more than 80 years.

The only factors that stood in their way from way back then until a few years ago were stronger unions that those which exist today, a handful of Republicans (such as Jacob Javits, Ed Brooke and Lowell Weicker,) and the Democratic Party.

Care to ask yourself who controls the US House and the state houses where Labor is Under Siege today?

It's up to the now-and- future Charleys of this World to take them all back.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday Smorgasbord 2/19

How To Win A Seat In Congress

I avoid giving away political advice for free, but in this case I'm making an exception.

My Congressman, Connie Mack IV -R/ 14th FL, is lining up his ducks for a run against Sen. Bill Nelson.  Connie has about $500-Large left over from his last campaign and he's out there raising even more cash to "retire" Bill.

(The Macks view a seat in the Senate as somewhat of a Legacy: Connie's Dad, Mack The Third, was elected Senator twice, back in the 1980s.)

So, here we go with ...

Free Tip No. One:

If Democrats have any prospect of getting one of their own elected to Congress, they had better get off of their Duffs and back a viable candidate who has the ability to harvest about $1 Million on the Fund-Raising Circuit.

Free Tip No. Two:

Recruit Deone Sanders.

The Cruellest Cuts ...

Now that the US House is in control of the Neo-Cons, it came as no shock that federal funds for Family Planning agencies were cut to Zero.

You know how Neo-Cons loathe those "waskily wabbits" who seek to improve the lives and times of the Less Fortunate -- and when you toss federal funding for Abortion into the mix, Out Come The Knives! (Unless, of course,  Neo-Con's daughter is involved ...)

Next up for the Cutting Floor: NPR & Rural Legal Aid.

Time for Garrison to fire up the P.O.E.M. Lobby!

I'd call Connie Mack personally, to encourage him to back off and reconsider voting against these cuts.

But it would be a waste of my time: and your time. Connie is the Neo-Con's Prince Charming.

I'd probably have better luck trying to get Pope Benedict to allow women into the Priesthood.

Conservative Hallucinations & Other Goofy-Dust

I was absolutely stunned when I heard newly-elected US Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) embracing former Senator Russ Feingold's take on opposing extension of the Patriot Act.

Paul quoted Feingold, at-length, in a Dear Colleague Letter, explaining why many provisions of the Patriot Act violate the letter and spirit of the United States Constitution.

Paul makes it seems as though he and Feingold are Political Blood Brothers -- when, in fact, they are Political Polar Opposites: Feingold was, and remains, a Progressive/Liberal Democrat while Paul got elected in Kentucky as an Arch Conservative / Libertarian-Leaning Republican.

The real "Hoot" came when Conservative Talk Radio picked up on all of this, enbracing Feingold's logic!

I'll pay Paul this complement: his Dear Colleague Letter was a quintessence of Elegance. While quoting Feingold at-length, it also examined James Otis' reasoning why the police power of any Governmental Authority must be limited to the extreme.

Paul has demonstrated to the Far Right and to the Neo-Cons, once and for all, that Progressives and Liberals are perfectly capable of reading and interpreting the Constitution.

Thank You, Senator!

Ending On A Sad Note ...

News arrived today that our good friend & neighbor, Martha Ann Doyle, lost her battle with pancreatic cancer.

Fought it for months .. woke one morning with major back ache ... took chemo in seat near mine ... passed in her 58th year with Family by her side at Hope Hospice ...

Our hearts go out to Dave & the kids & we will miss her more than you may know ...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Gentlemen! Start Your Engines!

It has been said that I celebrate more High Holy Days than a Hassidic Jew.

Fair enough -- and one of them is almost upon us: Sunday, the NASCAR Seasons gets into gear with the running of The Daytona 500.

Mr. Four-Finger Wu, he of a Blog by that name and also of Saint Augustine Beach Fame, got me interested in NASCAR many, many Moons ago.

Those were the days before NASCAR went Corporate, when Richard Petty, Benny Parsons, the Yarboroughs, the Allisons -- even guys such as A.J. Foyt -- would show up at a local barber-shop ribbon-cutting to talk with Plain Folks about the arts & science of stock car racing.

Darrel Waltrip, Dale Earnhardt, Dale Jarrett, Rusty Wallace, and Bill Elliott had yet to make their impact on the sport -- Carl Edwards was doing back-flips out of his crib; Joey Logano didn't even qualify as a spermatozoa.

Mr. Wu and a pal of his (we'll call him Mr. Foo) wrote a weekly newsletter for racing fans back then. They called it "The BS Report" and it was loaded with Pit Row info and other dirt about drivers, track conditions, and car engines, plus tons of other stuff from around the NASCAR Circuit as it existed at the time.

The BS Report introduced me to the NASCAR culture & nomenclature. It prepared me for fan-dom right about the time the Cable Channels started covering every race.

Take it from me: there is absolutely nothing like the NASCAR Experience if you enjoy Fast Cars, Rowdy Fans, and Loud Noise.

At this point, allow me to make a point: NASCAR has been viewed by some as being too Southern Red Neck, ergo too Lily-White. If I happened to be African-American, I, too, would be concerned by all of those Confederate Flags flapping out there on the Infield.

If you check it out, however, you'll find that NASCAR is well-aware of this perception. It's doing its best to promote Minority Participation -- through driver development programs and race team ownership -- and the sport is enjoying successes in this matter.

Former hoopster Brad Dougherty now calls races from the Broadcast Booth, and other athletes and former athletes such as Scotty Burrell are involved in Minority team development & ownership.

I think NASCAR surpassed a pivotal point back in the late 1990s, when the France Family and the George Family buried the "hatchet" about the future of auto racing in America. The "peace" led to the inaugural running of the Brickyard 400 on the fabled Indianapolis Motor Speedway -- Racing's Oldest, Most Sacred Ground.

If you recall, the Indy 500 happens in May around Memorial Day. For decades, more than 400,000 "Speed Freaks" descend upon Indianapolis for the show -- and hundreds find themselves on the Wrong Side of the Law by becoming "over-served" and otherwise disorderly.

NASCAR's first Brickyard 400 brought the same number of fans to the track -- to watch drivers test tires & setups. About 500,000 fans showed up to see the time trials. Even more crammed in to witness The King, Richard Petty, take one symbolic lap around the place.

In the days just prior to the inaugural race, the George Family estimated that more than a million NASCAR racing fans passed through The Brickyard's turn-stiles. News accounts mentioned that the George Family didn't charge admission...

PS: News accounts also mentioned that the Indianapolis Police Department made one arrest that inaugural week: they busted a guy for "taking a squirt" behind some bushes.

Inquiring Minds Want To Know ...

I have been fielding concerns from several of you, asking if I have lost my mind.

Interesting theory!

The catalyst for these inquiries centers on my posts over on Face Book regarding one Dona Ana Francesa e Vasquez Di Silva, who I have referred to on many occasions as the World's Greatest Opera-Singing, Flamenco-Dancing Kitty.

For a week or more, I've been chronicling her Exploits -- including her "persuading" me that I am Don Ottavio Rodrigo e Domingo Di Flores, The World's Greatest Marksman & Swordsman.

Apparently, these tales have boggled the comprehension of some.

Here's the real story ...

About two weeks ago, a stray cat turned up in the back yard. Naturally, I made inquiry through the neighborhood to ascertain her ownership.

At night, especially in the Three AM Hour, the as-yet-named kitty launched into katterwalds right under our bedroom window. Her "Aria" as I love to call it lasted until Sun Up, a rendition undoubtedly stimulated by Hormones raging within her.

This cat was in some Serious Heat!

I decided to call her "Tosca."

Carol & I pondered what course of action to follow -- for our benefit and for that of "Tosca" -- and decided to take her over to the vet and have her "fixed." In my opinion, it was the correct thing to do since, if left to her own devices, "Tosca" would breed with any stray Tom, yielding yet another litter of unadoptable kittens.

Our initial plan, as it turned out, was "Spay & Release."

It then occurred to me, a card-carrying Auduboner, that there were a few "bird kills" around the yard as of late -- plus two Black Racers, which patrolled the property hunting for pests, were MIA.

I concluded "Tosca" was the Most Likely Suspect, so it made no sense whatsoever to "release" a top-of-the-line predator back into the yard after she recovered from her surgery.

Carol & I therefore implemented Plan B: try to place "Tosca" with another household, preferably one that likes cats.

Finding "Tosca" a new Forever Home inspired me to come up with a "Marketing Campaign."

I didn't want to tell folks the standard, boring "Kitty Needs New Home" tale, so I opted to bestow a "Personality" upon her that would grab someone's attention.

Upon reflection, I figured "Dona Ana" would work -- she's the "World's Most Famous..." as extracted and refined from the pages of "Tales of Don Juan," by Lord Byron. Composing the scenarios as she healed from her surgery became an enjoyable, relatively easy task for me: hence references to Don Ottavio, metaphysicianship, and all the rest of the zaniness I employed in her "saga."

But the guys who said they'd take her never showed up: by then, "Dona Ana" had healed up nicely. She also played nice around the litter box with the other 'characters" who inhabit this household --the number of which I have sworn never to reveal...

Long story Short: Carol & I opted for Plan C: we decided to keep her.

Her name is now "Pumpkin." But I will always think of her as The World's Sweetest Kitty."

And now, my friends, I will grant you time to ponder questions regarding my state of mind.

Don Ottavio Rodrigo e Domingo Di Flores humbly & patiently awaits your assessments ...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Some "Fashionable" Commentary

Let me state, up-front, that your humble servant is no Fashion Guru.

My wardrobe might be kindly described as "Preppy-Meets-NASCAR-Meets-Flip Flops." Just about all of the women I know would look great wearing a cut-out Trash Can Liner for all I care.


I checked out the latest styles being whipped-up at the Fashion Week Love-Fest in NYC, and, let me tell you: some of the designers have finally "got it."

Most certainly, there are models strutting up and down the ramp touting other-worldly garb. They're fun to see -- even hysterically funny when you throw in the fact that some of these outfits will retail for $26,000 and up!

Q: Who the Heck would consider wearing them?
A: Nobody I know!

Thankfully, and for the most part, this fall's Hottest Designs feature practical, warm, and muted looks that flatter the Female Form -- without insulting it.

Skirt hems are lower, I'm guessing to mid-calf. Stylish, loose-fitting blazers are roaring back to life. Blouse necklines are (thankfully and more on this in a bit) moving higher and many of these that I have seen on the hype-ramp are even flouting full-length sleeves.

I think that the designers are finally waking up to the fact that most women are looking to acquire one or two basics for their wardrobe, pieces that will suit perfectly well at their place of work, and later, look great on a night out -- without breaking the Bank.

And now, let's get back to the necklines ...

For years, I have complained that the fashion industry's obsession with Boob-Display was demeaning to women. You know the "look:" pulchritude jiggling, dangling & wangling out the sides, tops and bottoms of a blouse made from about one-tenth of an ounce of white silk (selling at Sax' for $1,500, no less!)

I know, I know: this trend was dominated by the "I Am Woman - Hear Me Roar" mantra. Designers were only giving the Cougar-Class what they wanted: much to wear, think and talk about by way of designs.

As a Card-Carrying Member of the True Blue-Blooded American Male Society, I had no complaints -- that is, until I finally figured out that there were (and are) hundreds of thousands of women who suffer from Breast Cancer.

Those among them who have endured radical mastectomies, chemotherapy and radiation treatments were (and probably are) just as insulted as I was (and am) by an industry that panders to the Center-Fold mentality.

The Fall Line now on display in NYC celebrates a look that flatters any woman's form, one that could gain the Seal Of Approval from the Susan B. Komen folks.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A "Shaggy Dog Experience..."

Youth versus Maturity. Innocence versus Experience. Ignorance versus Knowledge. Impulse versus Strategy.

We've all "Been There," meaning we have found ourselves on either side of one -- or of all -- of these equations at some point in our lives. In this Youth Driven Culture, knowledge, wisdom and maturity have been relegated to the Back Seat.

I've seen lawyers, three years out of law school, trying to tell Senior Partners how to run the office.

I've even heard of a 20-something snot-nosed engineer -- and I'm not making this up -- telling the senior managing partner at her firm that she would have more respect for him if he played "Corn Hole" with her, on occasion!

All of this reminds me of an Old Shaggy Dog (to the uninitiated, a Shaggy Dog is a long, corny Joke.) It has something to say about today's Youth Driven Culture in ways you won't hear about at Harvard.

The joke goes something like this:

A Young Bull and an Old Bull were standing under a big Oak Tree at the top of a hill.

Below them, they were watching about 100 Cows grazing out in the pasture.

So the Young Bull says: "Let's run down the hill and screw a couple of those cows"

To which the Old Bull says," Why don't we walk down the hill, and then screw them all."

I have a  gut feeling that NOW will be sending me a letter after they read this, revoking my Membership...

... And a mega-tip 'O The Hat to Marty Burnett for refreshing my memory the other day, by merely mentioning the joke's Punch Line...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday Smorgasbord 2/12

Neo-Cons Really Know How To Party!

Y'all ought to pay at least some casual attention to the C-PAC Love Fest going on in Washington.

That's where 120 Neo-Con Conservatives are hunkering down with 1,000 Tea Baggers to bash everything and anything about Democrats and Barack.

It's kind of like "Toon Town" Meets "Chinatown."

The Neo-Cons have their panties all wadded up because they sense the Tea Baggers are pulling a Cairo at their festivities. To help settle matters down a tad, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Sen. Thoume, and former Sen. Rick Santorum showed up to (a) get support for White House runs, and (b) kick the snot out of ObamaCare.

Ah, so, my Neo-Con friends: the Tea Baggers are now fleas in your shorts. Live with them.

Grass Roots? Don't Bet On It!

Speaking of the Tea Baggers,  we were all dead wrong.

Their name has nothing to do with the "Boston Tea Party," as they would have you believe. It has everything to do with "Black Tea," which is another name for Crude Oil.

Seems like Big Oil has figured out that Baggers are "Very Useful Tools" in the quest to drill for Crude in the Gulf, in the Atlantic, in the Pacific, in ANWAR, and in just about every other square inch of dry land between them.

Heard from a very reliable source that Big Oil has and will continue to bank-roll Tea Baggers at venues such as C-PAC, where attendees can go Ga-Ga over the Diva Of The Drilling Rig, the Great Mamma Grizzlie Herself, Sarah Palin.

In case you forget, Palin's mantra is "Drill, Baby, Drill!"

We have a few thousand tea Baggers down here that picket against ObamaCare most weekends.

I absolutely love the Aging Rose who carries a sign which reads (and I am not making this up):

"Get Government Away From My Medicare & Social Security!"

It Must Run In The Family...

My Boys are gonna take a mid-winter plunge into Long Island Sound on Valentine's Day -- to raise money for local charities in their area.

They call it: "The Penguin Plunge."

I call it: "Insanity."

I did something similar many years ago on a New Year's Day, after over-serving myself on the Eve. About all I remember was ... it took a month for my "you know whats" to distend, after shrinking back into my abdomen.

So, Good Luck Mike & Tommy!

What we won't do in the name of Charity.

Eating Humble Pie...

I lost my Super Bowl Bet to Laura G. She nailed it! Even got the score!

Congrats, Laura. You get your Pint of Guinness next time I see ya!

Slante To All!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mid-Week Odds & Ends

Now I Finally Get It!

Gov. Rick Scott of Florida wants to cut the corporate business tax rate in half this year, and eliminate it altogether by 2013.

Claims that'll will lure more companies to relocate to the Sunshine State.

For the Record, Florida businesses pay among the lowest tax rates in the US. The only other states with lower or no business taxes whatsoever, are: Ohio, Nevada, Washington, Texas, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

Ohio got rid of the business tax for one reason: it wanted to keep its remaining businesses from fleeing like Lemmings.

So, inquiring minds want to know: What do the remaining states share in common?

Four (Washington, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming) enjoy a steady stream of Energy Revenue flowing into their public coffers. Nevada, of course, benefits from the Gambling Industry.

So here 'tis, the Rick Scott Agenda:
  • Permit offshore oil / gas drilling in the Gulf and along the Atlantic Coast.
  • Open up the state for a few hundred more casinos. 
Scott's a Genius, I'll tell you.

With the Tea Baggers licking his face 24/7, anything is possible.

Did I mention Scott proposes cutting $3 billion from public education? Champions Big Reductions in property taxes? Wants to privatize prisons and the state police? He's going after teacher pensions?

Hold onto your hats, folks!

If he gets his way, this could turn into J.R. Ewing Meets Bugsy Segel.

Fire-Wall The Mortgage Industry

In Washington, The GOP-Controlled House is looking into ways to kill off Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

This pair of government mortgage repositories found themselves in Deep Doo-Doo many months ago when their role in the "Reverse Mortgage Default Swap" fiasco hit the newspapers.

Seems Fannie & Freddie were playing both ends against the middle on high-risk mortgage loans: they guaranteed investment with treasury bills and then bet on foreclosures through the private banking sector.

The GOP wants to roll the Clock back to the Good Old Days of Pre-1930, to a time when you had to plunk 50% down with your local bank in order to get a mortgage for the privilege of Home Ownership.

We've all seen "It's A Wonderful Life" so I won't get too technical here except to mention that George Bailey's tiny thrift in Bedford Falls made the Great American Dream possible -- for decent, hard-working folks who would have otherwise been life-time Renters of Mister Potter.

Instead of killing off Fannie & Freddie, Congress ought to ensure that both invest mortgages in United States Treasury Bonds -- and not make themselves out to be suckers of Wall Street.

Questions: do you think George Bailey was a Democrat? Are there any aspiring Frank Kapras out there?

Economics 101 & Health Care

In the on-going Battle Against ObamaCare being waged by the GOP and Big Insurance, here's an Article worth your time to read.

The author is a CPA who knows his stuff and he makes a ton of sense. (I'll forgive him for glossing over the importance of the Commerce Clause ...)

Herewith ...|head

Yet Another Sarah Palin Joke

In keeping with my New Year's Resolution, I present the latest Sarah Palin Joke circulating around the Globe. NOTICE: This one omits the penguin and the duck. You'll have to read a Prior Post to find that one.)


(Ring-ring): Hello! This is Sarah Palin, calling for Senator Joe Lieberman. Is he in?

(Voice of intern): I'm afraid not, Maam. This is Yom Kippur.

(Back to SP): Oh, Hello Yom! Can I leave him a message?


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Head Start on St. Patrick's Day

I Know. I Know.

You're probably thinking : That's Just Jim Being Jim -- getting all pumped up for his High Holy Day.

To which I say: Why Not! Saint Patrick's Day will be on us before we know it!

And So...

To get the celebration off to a rolling start, let's share a wee bit of The Great Phil Coulter.

Phil is one of Ireland's National Treasurers: not quite up there with the Book of Kells but give him time. He composes music that transcends the steady diet of Dublin Pub Meets Republican Bravado -- in a word, what we normally hear around the High Holy Day.

I've raised a pint now and then, in toast to Padraic Pearse and Michael Collins. But now, perhaps more than ever, I find myself gravitating to a kinder and gentler form of Irish Music... to a genre that speaks more to deeper feeling than outright action. In this matter, Phil's compositions are my favorite cup of tea.

In the link below,  SinĂ©ad O'Connor performs "By The Shores Of The Swilly," an overpowering composition Phil wrote in rememberance of his sister, who drowned in Lough Swilly many years back. If that wasn't enough to grieve over, Phil also lost his brother to the Lough, a victim to a sailing mishap.

This track comes to us from Phil's brilliant CD "Lake of Shadows," which is in many ways was his "therapy" in getting beyond the tragic losses of his brother and sister at young age.

(NOTE: Lough Swilly is where the British Home Fleet anchored after the Battle Of The Jutland. Imagine what those Irish fishermen were thinking when they woke up and saw all of those dreadnaughts anchored off-shore)

The clip just below shows Phil performing his classic "The Town I Loved So Well, " in concert, in Dublin.

Coulter was born and raised in Derry and witnessed, first-hand, the effects of sectarian violence in that proud city.

"Town" is one of Coulter's better-known works, and what makes this special -- the accompanying video which capture the violence of the times which, fortunately, has long passed.

The clip just below is one of my all-time faves. Every time I listen to it, I think about those who went through the Famine, or of those bound for Austrailia on Prison Ships -- in other words, of those who long for home and loved ones.

The tune's entitled "Take Me Home" and it's the last cut on Phil's "Lake Of Shadows" CD.

Last, but not least, we'll get to hear "Tranquility," an instrumental featuring Phil as he wistfully strolls along a path out there on the wind-swept Aran Islands.

Phil's aging gracefully -- in tune with his masterpieces.

Credit "U Tube" for providing the ammunition and Jim Ringrose & Anson Smith for the inspiration.

Slante to you all!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Does The US Chamber Really Have What It Takes To Lead in America?

I picked up on a news report the other day that featured President Obama's speech before delegates attending the US Chamber of Commerce Love-Fest in the nation's capital.

Here's how the delegates received Barack: Chilly greeting. Polite applause at the end. Skepticism after he left the room.

I playfully refer to the Chamber of Commerce as The CZ & Feather Boa Set. About 99 percent of a Chamber's membership is comprised of businesses which employ five or less people. Many are sole proprietorships who rely on commissioned agents to earn their keep.

Seriously though, Chambers are The Salt of Our Economy. They perform many valuable services for their members and for their communities.

Since the Mid-term election, Barack as been sucking up to the Business Community in order to sell many of his domestic economic initiatives that focus on job creation, less government regulation, fair taxation, business investment.

Many enterprises, especially small businesses, have seen some tough, difficult times between the years 2000-2009. That's the era where the word "Down-Sizing" became vogue.

I know of one particular company that had over 200 employees on its payroll when the Millenium started. It's down to half that number of employees today after "Down-Sizing" its largely professional and well-educated work force.

It was a Pernicious Cycle: those who found themselves out-of-work slashed spending -- it was hard to justify a cash outlay for a Ten-Day cruise when you struggled to put food on the table.

What little cash that was available went to pay the mortgage. And when that cash finally dried up, Foreclosures accelerated to an unprecedented velocity, nation-wide.

People without homes didn't usually have the need to purchase homeowners' insurance. People who had been dispossessed, who had no money to speak of in the first place, usually weren't thinking about buying property/casualty lines.

Job Loss was especially chaotic for small service-oriented enterprises which traditionally depend upon consumer spending as their Life Blood. Lacking a steady paycheck, folks weren't inclined to get that bi-weekly hair cut nor have that manicure. Day Spa? Forget About it!

That same Pernicious Cycle held true for dentists, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, architects, home builders, and veterinarians. People who were jobless, homeless, and dispossessed -- and the number of them was staggering -- weren't likely to participate in The Great American Consumer Society -- the backbone of our domestic economy.

They just didn't have the resources that were required -- money and credit -- to maintain their stake in The Great American Game.

The Astute Reader will undoubtedly notice that I have employed usage of the Past Tense in my assessments. That's because I firmly believe that the American Economy has turned the corner.

The GDP is rising at a healthy pace. Unemployment rates are trending downward. Consumer spending is increasing nicely. Inflation is holding steady. Most banks (notwithstanding the Mortgage Crisis) are awash with cash to lend.

Need I say anything more about the performance of the Stock Market?

I would have preferred Mr. Obama and his very capable team of economic advisers -- especially the brilliant Timothy Geithner -- to have diverted more US capital into the Foreclosure Crisis instead of using it to shore up AIG and Huge Banks under the Too Big To Fail matrix. But I understand their reasons for doing so.

Although the GOP still Pisses And Moans about it, the GE Bail-Out was a stroke of Pure Genius!

Many illuninaries within the Business Sector (Warren Buffett and Bill Gates excepted) never gave Barack & Co. due credit for acting affirmatively and decisively in pulling us all back from the brink of this nation's greatest economic threat since The Great Depression.

The business community -- especially small businesses which comprise most Chambers, had an opportunity to give the President a Standing-O, and they booted it.

The reason why they continue to sit on their hands is grist for another story...

Nevertheless, the New American Economic Renaissance will be unlike anything we have seen before.

It will be driven by the entrepreneurial spirit of Small Businesses.

It will be driven by all of the professions, trades and service-providers that I mentioned above, either by direct reference or inference.

The Obama Administration did what it could.

Now it's your turn.

In 10 words or less: America stands at the threshold of Economic Recovery.

All the Chambers of Commerce need is: encourage their members to have the courage, and the faith, to take the next necessary steps: hire when you can; invest in your communities when you can.

As the Face of the New American Economy, we're counting on ya!


Monday, February 7, 2011

More Notes From The Cancer Wars

Great news from Dr. Mike!

Non-Hotchkins Lymphoma, in and of itself, won't actually kill you!

All it does is this: it lowers and alters one's immune system to the point where pneumonia, staph infections, bacteria invasions, fungi invasions. flu & cold viruses, deng fever, malaria, beri-beri and a hang nail could creep up on one, and then take one "out."

Dr. Mike is the creator of the term "Cancer Sucks." You can even buy cozies bearing that Slogan from him if you are so inclined.

Dr. Mike is also a very vocal proponent of the Theory that consuming Massive Amounts of Broccoli is very beneficial for those undergoing chemo. After buying into his theory, I can tell you, first-hand, that I will probably not pass from colon cancer.

Yes, indeed! Lymphoma doesn't kill.

Upon hearing this, I'm reminded of this old joke:

It's not the fall off of the cliff that will kill you: it's the sudden stop.

A Few Words About Talk Radio

Now that the Testosterone Season is behind us, with the passing of its High Holy Day, time to turn our collective attention to a truly Full-Contact Combat Sport: Conservative Talk Radio.

The latest Arbitron Ratings Book hit the streets, and let me tell you: the data scares the beejeezes out of me.

Talk Radio in your area is either at the top, or very near the top, of what people listen to, meaning who you hear and what you hear over the airwaves is dominated, in ratings, by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Mark LaVigne.

Even the axe-sharpeners who bloviate on local issues and politics have their legs up over the Country, Rock and Easy Listening venues in your marketing area.

Arbitron Ratings measure peak listening hours on the radio -- and most of the radio audience tuning into a station during peak hours are listening in their cars: hence the term :"Drive Time." Captive audience if there ever was one!

The problem I have with Conservative Talk Radio is this: all the the hosts are making a fortune for themselves, and for their parent companies, by draping themselves in the Holy Shroud of American, Conservative, Patriotic, Constitutional, and Religious Values.

Then they proceed to launch and sustain a 24/7/365 Full Frontal Assault against anyone and everything they disagree with: read Democrats, Obama, and Progressives here.

This crew would have you believe that they hold a Monopoly on What Is True About America.

If you don't believe it, just ask them...

And they get their message out over the airwaves with a device you and I would die to own under certain circumstances: a Telephone Cut-Off / Mute Button.

Except for the local Neo-Con Blow Hards, the rest are hosts of nationally-syndicated shows. This means that they reach literally millions of people coast-to-coast today, unlike many years ago when the Pioneers, such as Bob Grant and Joe Pine, were consigned to single-station time slots.

Don't take this post the wrong way: I really, really enjoy spirited discussions about matters that affect the American Commonweal.

Like you, I do my best to harvest as much information as possible on any given topic, and then I process it into an opinion. If an opinion, after time, is inclined to make things better, it becomes something I can believe in.

Without sounding too smug or smarmy about it, I get to where I'm heading with an Open Mind, or at least I try to give it my Best Shot.

I don't get "Talking Points" e-mailed to me hourly by the RNC, the NRA or by Big Business Interests, as is the case with the nationally-syndicated Neo-Con Useful Tools Of Big Money Interests And The GOP.

If Democrats or Obama stand for something -- anything -- Rush are dead-set against them. Bail out GM, AIG? Hell No! That's Not How Capitalism Works!

Health Care Reform? Rush et. al. would have you think that its proponent was Leon Trotsky.

They wage their fight, in the aggregate, 12-plus  hours a day -- not counting Overnight Repeats-- and that's just adding up the radio time. (Makes me long for the days of Art Rust. At least he had some grasp on reality.)

Neo-Con Talk Show Shills have savaged ObamaCare for over one year now -- despite the fact that many Americans do not, or currently cannot, get health insurance.

Interestingly, the latest polls tell us that Americans actually now like certain provisions of the new law.

And as time moves on, more and more will clearly understand the benefits of Health Care Reform -- especially those who have "preexisting conditions" or who have been denied health care coverage in the past for any number of reasons.

Why, might you ask, do Rush et. al. oppose ObamaCare? remember, millions are listening...

It's the Principle of the Matter! It's Unconstitutional! Government has No Right to Interfere! The States Can Manage Their Own Health Matters! Trust The Big Insurance Companies!

Get It?

Speaking of Big Insurance, it dumped zillions of dollars into GOP Campaign Coffers last fall in support of Republican candidates who, if elected, pledged to repeal National Health Insurance Reform. It also spent zillions more on buying ad time, on Cable TV and in some radio markets, to tell us how bad ObamaCare would be for the national economy.

Here's Big I's Core Message -- again, millions of "captives" are tuned in:

Big Government is Very, Very Bad!  Democrats who support national health care reform are Very, Very Bad!  President Barack Hussein Obama Is Very, Very Bad! But Don't Worry! Trust us! We're your friends. We and our GOP Allies are the only People On Earth who Love You and Care About You. Vote Straight Party Line GOP! Help Us Defeat Evil And Make All Things Right!

Got It?

By the way, Big I didn't have to spend a Nickle on the Rush et. al. shows for the 24/7 anti-ObamaCare Blitzkrieg that Big I executives scripted.

Why should they? They got three-hour long Infomercials aired for free - allowing them to buy ad time on Fox News.

You can forget about the so-called Fairness Doctrine: it ain't gonna happen -- not with Murdoch and Clear Channel standing in the way.

The only way to turn this mess around is to look into investing a lot of capital into a competing radio format -- or lacking that, finally turn Rush OFF.

One final note: there's a bill now floating around in the US House that would strip all federal funding from National Public Radio.

Get It?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Saturday Smorgasbord III

Here are several bits-and-pieces, left over from this week ...

The Billionaire Who Feels Our Pain

Tea Party Fave & Neo-Con Idol Gov. Rick Scott of Florida is about to unveil a state budget that would reduce government spending by some $3 billion.

How is he proposing to do this?

Cut Medicaid, cut school spending, cut money for public works, cut family & children services, and cut state employee and teacher pensions.

Did I mention he also wants to cut taxes? Indeed!

Cut the Corporate Tax Rate in half -- eliminating it in-toto by 2013!

If you'll recall, Scott is the multi-billionaire from Naples who financed his first-ever campaign for public office in Florida.

Bottom Line: he "bought" the governorship with sloganeering about job-creation and by pandering to the Tea Bag Movement.

How he'll pull all of this off -- like "creating" 700,000 new jobs without addressing some structural short-comings in the state -- escapes even the experts. This man is no Warren Buffett.

By the way, Scott's also the guy who almost went to the Slammer when his company got caught with its hand in the Medicare Cookie Jar.

Since Scott has a background in health management, let him ponder this:

A guy comes to the hospital with a broken leg. The doctors proceed to amputate the broken leg, his other leg, and then both of his arms.

When he finally comes out of anesthesia, the guy sees what they did to him and screams: "Was This Really Necessary?!"

To which the doctors tell him: "We did it for your own good -- to make sure you don't break any other bones in your limbs."

Take a tip from former California Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger: work through tough financial times by forging coalitions across-the-board. Manage debt. Do not resort to long-term, draconian measures when short-term fixes will do the trick.  As governor, represent all the people of your state -- not just the ultra-wealthy and / or the oligarchs.

Jeb Bush slashed taxes and spending to this degree a few years back. Even conned the legislature into eliminating the Intangible Tax on dividend income. Told us all that cash would be re-invested into job-creation.

Guess what? Not one dime went into jobs: it went into the Equity Markets and the high-end Real Estate Markets to make the weathiest even richer and allow them to live in further luxury.

Today, hundreds of thousands of folks in Florida can't even find jobs to work: there are none! I don't even want to think about what happened to our public educational system and to child and family services.

Here some good news, however: not even the Neo-Cons who run the show in Tallahassee are buying the Scott budget plan.

The guv's doing Florida Big Favors, however: he's flying all around the state in his Private Gulf Stream Jet, on his own nickle; and he's pledged to accept only $1 per year in salary. In fact, his first jet touch-down: a Tea Bagger Rally to tout his Budget Plan.

How gratuitious...

Did I mention Scott's Governor's Office Payroll has set a record? He defends it by claiming he pays those high salaries, to make them competitive with the private sector!

Oh, I forgot: Scott's also one of the Tea Bagger / Republican Party's New Faces -- along with the recently elected US Sen. Marco Rubio.
At least we can poke fun at Sarah Palin ...

Thank you, Senate Democrats!

You have finally thrown some cold reality into the faces of all those House Anti-Obama Cool Aid Drinkers.

Keep waging the Good Fight against them regarding Health Care Affordability and Availability.

I can't take any more Neo-Con gloating over Judge Vinson's ruling against ObamaCare earlier in the week.

Far-Right is using the Vinson Ruling as its Lynch-Pin  to defeat one of the most important milestones ever enacted -- but may I remind them of a couple of facts first?

Over the years, federal judges friendly to those who oppose social progress have ruled against the Minimum Wage, Social Security, Environmental Protection, School Integration, Medicare and Handicapped Access.

Each and every one of these adverse rulings was overturned by either the full District Court, or by the US Supreme Court.

Would you want to bet on which Party led the attacks against the programs that I have listed above?

I'll give you a hint: it starts with the letter "R" -- the same party that will fight Health Care Reform to the bitter end.

Sam's Gone Native

Sam Huber, president of my Kiwanis Club, flew to Costa Rica earlier this week. He's delivered a couple hundred pounds of over-the-counter children's medications to a village.

He's also setting up what would be the first Kiwanis Club in Costa Rica whose members, largely, will be American Ex-Pats who have retired there.

More good news on the local Kiwanis Front: we recently sponsored a Martini Festival/Competition which generated more than $14 Large in net profit -- all of which will be used to expand our Pack Pack Food Program for needy kids and families.

Yes,indeed! Making our community better -- one kid and one family at a time!

Another Day, Another Shooting

A man, whose daughter was just about to celebrate her 2nd birthday, was gunned down in his driveway on Thursday. The cops are looking for the killer -- who apparently shot and killed Dad in a case of mistaken identity.
This incident is the fifth to take place on five consecutive days in my area. Through good fortune, the four others resulting only in woundings.

I know, I know: guns don't kill - people do. Mentally sick people, sociopaths, the enraged. Not one of these shootings had anything to do with the protection of life or property.

I'm not a praying man, but if I were, I would hope that Representatives and Senators in my state will sober up before they cast their vote on an Open Carry Bill now working its way through the committee process.

Death Announcement No. 1

I am sad to report the demise of our 1998 Honda Passport. Cause of death: Blown Engine. Seems that the old Girl could take no more after delivering us, safely, back and forth to Vermont several weeks ago.

Passed into The Great Auto Valhalla at 123,000 miles.

Am now in the market for an Army Surplus Deuce and a Half...

Death Announcement No. 2

Our prized Wild Tamarind could take no more and gave up the Ghost this week. All of the leaves dropped and there are several cracks in the trunk.

Cause of death: Cold Weather. This was one of many specimen trees that we have planted on our property and it prospers in humid, Tropical Climes. It took a beating from the cold last year, but it bounced back.

Alas, my Wild Tamerind will become primo fire wood for the chiminea -- whenever I get around to it with the chain saw.

Final - Final Thought

Jim's Super Bowl, Stone Cold, Lead Pipe Lock Of the Week: PITT 24/GB 23. Late field goal breaks Pack Fans' hearts.

I want to watch a Great Game -- hoping it's going to be the Best Ever.

That's it! Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are!

Ronald Reagan - A Remembrance

I had the pleasure to meet Ronald W. Reagan, who would have turned 100 this weekend, many years ago.

I worked for former US Sen. Lowell Weicker as a junior press aide back then and was a part of a small delegation that was asked to escort Reagan and his entourage up to the senator's office in The Russell Office Building.

Reagan was criss-crossing the country at the time, trying to glean support for his run for the Oval Office.

Reagan, and a slew of other Republicans back then, including Weicker, smelled Blood in the Water regarding Jimmy Carter's prospects of winning a second term as President. If you'll recall, Gas Lines formed around the country when oil prices soared through the roof, Inflation spun in the Double Digits, and then there was this little matter known as the Iran Hostage Crisis.

To top it off, the country blamed Jimmy Carter for Three Mile Island.

This all went down in the Spring of 1979. Washington was (and still is) is a magnificent place to be in Springtime. Throngs -- potential voters -- roamed the Capitol before they headed off to the museums and the historical monuments. Cherry blossoms were at peak color of pink, and so were the azelia.

On a particular day of such magnificence, the limo carrying Reagan and his entourage pulled up to the Russell Building's Delaware Avenue entrance. A nice, young man, who I later learned was Ralph Reed, jumped out to open the door.

Lee Attwater was the first to exit, followed a nano-second by John Sears. Attwater and Sears served as Mr. Reagan's Brain Trust, molding and continuously refining Reagan's Conservative politics.

Reed, we learned later, was a genius at organizing a political campaign at the Grass Roots level, especially becoming effective in energizing the Evangelicals and the Rural South -- a skill that would be used consummately many years later when "W" beat Al Gore.

Reagan was in his late 60s back then and stood about 6'2". His light, brown hair either didn't contain a hint of gray, or else he had discovered a great Coloring Product to hide it.

He wore an impeccable, custom-tailored Brown Suit -- about a quarter-inch of a monogrammed white handkerchief peeked, neatly, from the jacket pocket.

As I also recall, a perfect Windsor Knot graced his Mojave Gold tie, clasped to his starched white shirt by a gold Tie Clip.

(Note to all under 30 years old: Google "monogrammed white handkerchief", "Windsor Knot" and "Tie Clip" to get some idea of what I'm talking about here.)

I was last in line from Weicker's delegation to shake Ronald Reagan's hand. And let me tell you: he looked me right into the eyes, winked, and gripped my hand firmly, reassuringly. "Nice to see you," he said.

Believe me, Governor, the Pleasure Was All Mine.

We escorted Reagan through the Foyer, to the elevators, up to the Second Floor, and then down the hall to Senator Weicker's office. Pete Kinsey, Weicker's Top Gun at the time, greeted Reagan at the Reception Desk.

Now joined by Dick McGowan and Noel Koch, Kinsey led everyone into Weicker's Inner Sanctum.

I'll get into a mini-Blow Back of what took place behind Closed Doors in a minute, but first ...

Thirty Years later, I can't help but think about the tremendous differences that existed between Ronald Reagan and Lowell Weicker.

Each man's political philosophy stood in near-diametric opposition to the other's: not to oversimplify this point, but let's just say one (Reagan) thought government and politicians were the "Bad Guys" while the other (Weicker) believed goverment played a useful role and that politics was a Noble Profession.

Reagan saw himself as the Resurrection of Barry Goldwater, embracing the Conservative Message of Fiscal Belt-tightening, Christian Salvation, and Pioneer Self-Reliance. The Beloved One of the Republican Party, Reagan was the High Priest of The Laffer Curve, business and individual tax cuts, reining in Big Government, and playing hardball with the Evil Empire.

Get Big Government off of the backs of businesses and individuals, he proclaimed, and the American People Will Prosper.

(For the record, this is the man who gave Californians their largest Tax Increase in their History and who, after he became President, raised taxes in America 11 times during his two terms of office. You can look that up.)

On the other hand, GOP Blue Bloods loathed Weicker for his pivotal role in the Watergate Scandal which collapsed the Richard Nixon Administration. He was (and probably still is) a Maverick Moderate who believed government has a proper and rightful role to play in assisting those who endure misfortunes through no fault of their own.

Weicker was also the Senate Champion of Small Business, authoring many bills that made it easier for that sector of the economy to compete on the Global Stage, and to obtain working capital through investment.

(For the record, Weicker paid a heavy political price for taking tough but correct positions -- many of which placed him against the Agenda of the Republican Party. The GOP turned on him in 1988, and Weicker was defeated for reelection by Joe Lieberman. Two years later, he formed his own political party, went on to become elected governor of Connecticut, and then proposed a State Income Tax to stabilize revenues-- which is now law.)

Let's get back to the Prayer Session, which ran for a little less than 20 minutes.

Weicker and Reagan were apparently quite cordial to one another. The session, obviously, trended along general Major National Issues. They also got into several "What If" scenarios: such as "What do you think of George Bush as a Running Mate?"

Reagan knew that both Weicker and Bush were Eastern Elites with Yale pedigrees; he had no idea about what each man thought of the other -- which wasn't much.

The most interesting tid-bit?

Reagan sat to Weicker's left on one of the senator's aircraft carrier-sized leather sofas. Each time Weicker, one of the Fathers of the "Americans With Disabilities Act,"  made a point about this, that, or the other thing, Reagan would lean over to Sears and whisper: "What did he just say?"

Sears would then whisper the gist of what Weicker had said, right into The Gipper's Left Ear.

Apparently, Reagan was either Very Hard of Hearing -- or Nearly Totally Deaf in his Right Ear!

So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

I got to shake the hand, of the hand that shook the hand, of the man who kissed Marilyn Monroe.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Down By The Liffeyside (Lyrics)

As we approach the High Holy Day honoring Saint Patrick, let's sit back and listen to an Irish tune from The Dubliners.

A marvelous and much-appreciated Tip 'O The Hat to my friend and colleague Anson Smith for digging this treasure out of the ethernet!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Low-Down From The Arab Street

The Talking Heads are in their Mecca with all of the turmoil brewing in the Muslim World.

The Gloom & Doomers wring their hands that the riots in the Arab Street portend the End Of The World As We Know It. The Partly Sunny Crew applauds the Arab Street for allowing the Refreshing Winds Of Democracy to spread across one of the most people-oppressing parts of the Planet.

The "Black Tea Addicts" sob that the price of gasoline will hit $6 a gallon here if "extremists" get their hands on production. The Green Team (and by that, I don't mean the Green Bay Packers) counterclaim that the timing couldn't be better for the US to convert our economy to one fueled by sustainable resources.

The way I see it: despots are getting their Just Desserts for impoverishing their own people. Been doing it for decades. What did they expect to happen when they and their families profited from two-to-three-fold increases in the price of basic necessities (like food) and when their people struggle to find meaningful employment?

The Tunisians, Egyptians, Yemenis, Jordanians, Syrians, Saudis, and all of the rest who live in an oppressed world have taken all they can take.

The best thing we can do is this: encourage Barack & Co. to keep a very low profile until matters calm down over there.

I have several friends who have emigrated to the US from that part of the world. They counsel that the Arab Street Revolution is very complicated for Americans to grasp. I know this sounds like a Duh. But think about it for a few seconds and try to understand what's happening through the eyes and the testimony of people who actually lived in the affected part of this planet at some point in their lives.

Here's their witness:

The people we see on CNN and other news outlets are, essentially, people with their own customs, law, and religious faith. Just about all of what and who they are has been suppressed by their despotic leaders for generations.

The key element here is this: these people have been reduced to poverty while their despots enjoy Jet-Set Lifestyles and Swiss Bank Accounts larded with Billions.

Yes, scores will be settled. Yes, we can expect to see much violence on CNN and Aljeezera for the short term. Yes, oil markets will spike to record-high prices. And, yes, Israel has much to worry about.

So do Americans, who bear the brunt of Arab hatred for maintaining a military presence in Saudi Arabia and for ruining Iraq. (Curiously, not one of my friends bears lasting malice for what went down in Afghanistan. Seems we all agree that the Taliban are Bad Guys who had a dose of 9/11 Revenge coming to them.)

Another extremely important point to ponder: if my friends are correct, Iran will be regarded as a side-line cheerleader, not a player in this gambit. It's virtually impossible for Sunni Muslims (Egyptians, Jordanians, Tunisians, et. al.) to square things away with Iranian Shiite Muslims. They've been going at each other strong since the Seventh Century AD.

This is an Arab Street Revolution that is being waged for basic reasons: those who have not want to live their lives in peace, prosperity, freedom, and as masters of their own fate.

I know, I know. What do we do with the Islamic Brotherhood. What do we do with fringe Jihadists who mingle among the throngs?

The answer is: Nothing! The people protesting for basic rights out on the Arab Street will take care of these matters.

Let's stay out of their way and give them their opportunity.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Question About Insurance...

Regarding Judge Vinton's ruling that ObamaCare violates the Commerce Clause of the Constitution: inquiring minds want to know ...

If I live in Georgia, and I am involved in a traffic accident in New Jersey, does the cop investigating the crash give a Rat's Ass about whether or not I have auto insurance?

You Bet He/She Does!

We all must have car insurance to operate our vehicles on public roads because the law requires it, or we suffer the consequences.

We all must have some form of health insurance, phased in over a three-year period of time, because the law will require it.

Activism To The Absurd

Judges research debates in the Houses and Senates for one reason only: to ascertain what is commonly referred to as "legislative intent."

Legislatures are, by definition, comprised of "law-makers." So, it makes sense of any prudent judge to read through the proceedings in an effort to determine the exact meaning and intent of a bill before it became law.

Legislators are almost always very choosy about their language during floor debates precisely for this reason: they hate vagaries as much as we do when it comes to statutory language. Lawmakers are also aware that there is a presumption standing behind any bill they pass: they knew precisely what they were doing when they deliberated the matter and then voted, up-or-down.

Fair and impartial application of the law is sacred and honorable; that's why we, as a society, demand that our judges exercise scholarly wisdom as we bring our grievances to court.

Here's a hypothetical example of how and why a judge may review the journals of a legislative debate. Let's assume that a legislature is deliberating a bill about deer hunting. The bill passes and is signed into law.

Months later, state wildlife officials charge a hunter with shooting and killing a moose under provisions of this new law. Problem is, this particular state has no law on its books proscribing moose hunting.

So the judge would read through the Journals of each chamber to see whether or not the killing of a moose was discussed in the debate.

Our hypothetical judge finds that several members of the House, and one in the Senate, specifically addressed the moose question. One member of the Lower Chamber, without challenge or objection, even went so far as to specifically exclude moose hunting, reasoning that the state's herd of moose deserved the state's protection to propagate.

The offending hunter, consequently could be brought to trial.

Now comes Federal Appeals Court Judge Roger Vinson. He declared ObamaCare unconstitutional the other day in his courtroom in Pensacola, FL. Judge Vinson arrived at his decision by reading through the Congressional Debates from last fall.

The judge ruled national health insurance reform violates the Interstate Commerce clause of our US Constitution. He arrived at this point of his reasoning after reviewing the Congressional Record, in which a few GOP Congressman, during debate, asserted that if government can "regulate" health care, government can also "regulate" what people  should eat-- like broccoli and carrots.

Of course most of the broccoli and carrot crops, indeed, cross state lines on their way to the grocery shelves -- ergo the implementation of the Interstate Commerce Clause. It would have been worth a chuckle or three if Judge Vinson had let the matter rest at that point, but he went further: if government dictates the kinds of fresh, healthy produce that people can eat, there would be no need for ObamaCare because we'd all be healthier!

I paid pretty close attention to the entire debate surrounding health care reform; perhaps I was sleeping when the GOP Gang whipped out their broccoli & carrots arguments.

I'll let you make up your own mind about Judge Vinson's reasoning, but I, for one, am not amused by his less-than-clever argument which confuses apples and oranges on one of the most important public policy questions of the day.

Opponents of health insurance reform set out on a Mission to find a most-favorable court in which they could plead their case.

They struck pay dirt with Judge Vinson.

The Late, Great John Barry

I might have paid John Barry his final tribute.

Last Friday, I wrote something about his excellent musical score from Dances With Wolves.

Saturday, John Barry died.

Now that he's passed, it's appropriate to mention several of his other master works. They include scores from Born Free, Out of Africa, and many of the Double-Oh-Seven Bond productions.

Barry's mother, a classically-trained pianist, ignited Barry's musical spark. The father, who owned a movie house in York, England, inflamed his love for cinema.

This self-taught composer understood the importance of how to employ music to enhance a great story.

Thank you, Mr. Barry. May your compositions endure so long as people love music.

Judge's Vinson's Ruling

I was listening to a news-cast on the radio the other day while a bag-load of saline-diluted rituxan dripped into my vein.

The guy seated next to me in the chemo treatment room was in no condition to chat. Neither were the two women sitting across from me. All of them were coping as best they could with The Big Red Bomb.

The Big Red Bomb is the Mother-Of-All Chemos, the one that causes one to lose hair, the one that causes unrelenting fits of nausea, the one that "cooks" the veins.

You won't see The Big Red Bomb advertized on TV in those ads that babble the phrase, "Ask your doctor whether or not (fill in the blank with the name of the drug here, please) is right for you." It's used to battle and, hopefully, kill cancer tumors-- not enhance the size and performance of the male sex organ.

TBRB is administered by the nurses, per the instructions issued by the oncologist, as the first-line-of battle against most tumorous cancers. It's the chemo people fear most.

I'm not sure what kinds of cancer my comrades in the present day have to battle, but I suspect I am the Lucky One. They drip rituxan - which is a titrated & synthesized solution of Rat Spleen (I am not making this up, by the way, and more on a Rat's Anatomy a bit later) -- into me, to rid me of Non-Hotchkins Lymphoma: so far, it seems to be working out OK.

I know by experience, and from casual observation, they will also receive a few more "cocktails" before their day of treatment comes to an end. And if they take their anti-nausea and pain meds, as prescribed, once they get home, the after-effects will begin to ameliorate by, I'm guessing,  this weekend.

I wish them all well!

Other than being Comrades-In-Arms in the Great Cancer Wars, I suspect we all share one other thing in common: we all have Health Care Insurance. I don't have any clue what their treatments cost, but let's just say that, if I didn't have health care insurance, I would be living in an old refrigerator crate -- that is, if I were still alive.

I think about the uninsured frequently: not those who line jam hospital emergency rooms with the sniffles; I am concerned with those without coverage who suffer from cancer, cardiovascular illness, raging diabetes, and a disease of a major organ such as the pancreas.

Those afflictions, and many others, are the Big Ticket Life-Takers. Nobody should face the prospect of abject poverty just because they are ill and they can't find health insurance coverage.

I mention all of this because a newscaster on the radio dial had just announced that Judge Vinson, in Pensacola, had deemed the recently-enacted Health Care Reform Act unconstitutional.

The rabid opponents of ObamaCare -- Big Insurance, Small Manufacturers, Ultra-Conservative Special Interests, and their ilk, actually "shopped" their appeal to the District of Pensacola precisely because the judge who sits there happens to be One Of Them.

Those of us who actually follow the appeal process on this particular bill were not terribly surprised by Judge Vinson's ruling in its particulars: we were, however, stunned that he ruled the that the entire law was unconstitutional because, and I paraphrase here, it violated the Interstate Commerce Clause of the US Constitution.

How did Judge Vinson arrive at that conclusion?

Evidently, he -- or, more probably than not, his clerks -- skimmed through the ObamaCare Law to ascertain what it says, and then went on to rely more on what was said during the Floor Debates in the House and the Senate! The judge latched onto something mentioned by a GOP representative during the House debate. This representative asserted that, if government can "require" a person to get health care coverage, government can also "require" its citizens to eat certain foods, like carrots or broccoli!

Get it? In order to reach the grocers' shelves, produce such as broccoli, carrots, peas, et. al. have to cross State Lines -- ergo implementation of the Interstate Commerce Clause!
Judge Vinson went even further: if government can mandate a healthier diet for the people, people will reduce their visits to their doctors -- thus reducing the overall health care costs to the nation!

What can one say about such outrageous thinking? How about starting right here!

Besides the fact that Judge Vinson compares apples to oranges in his ruling, relying on the Floor Debates to arrive at his conclusions smacks of blatant, political partisanship. Where was Judge Vinson, and what was he doing, when the Great Debates took place in state legislatures on the question of what constituted legal impairment vis a vis driving one's car after consumption of booze?

Legislatures ascertained that a driver went over the limit at .10 after blowing the balloon. Would Judge Vinson overturn that law if, say, an opponent of this standard suggested that the legal limit for drunken driving be established at "pi r-squared?"


I hope that the full US Court of Appeals and their clerks in Atlanta will, at least, read the entire bill when it gets there on appeal. And in the event the Atlanta Crew sides with Judge Vinson, I trust the US Supreme Court will have the good sense to overturn this travesty.

I have a George Carlin-esque take on this whole mess. In the Great Scheme Of Things, "Big I," with its Political Suck in the Halls of Congress and in the Courts, doesn't give a Rat's Ass about me, you, or anyone else.

All Big I cares about is this: huge profits sweetened by claims denial; full control over trillions of dollars we pay annually for insurance products; and the ability to rub our noses into it in the event we have the audacity to actually file a claim.

PS: "Big I" is not regulated by the feds; that's left to the states. Perhaps that's something well worth looking into...