Y'all ought to pay at least some casual attention to the C-PAC Love Fest going on in Washington.
That's where 120 Neo-Con Conservatives are hunkering down with 1,000 Tea Baggers to bash everything and anything about Democrats and Barack.
It's kind of like "Toon Town" Meets "Chinatown."
The Neo-Cons have their panties all wadded up because they sense the Tea Baggers are pulling a Cairo at their festivities. To help settle matters down a tad, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Sen. Thoume, and former Sen. Rick Santorum showed up to (a) get support for White House runs, and (b) kick the snot out of ObamaCare.
Ah, so, my Neo-Con friends: the Tea Baggers are now fleas in your shorts. Live with them.
Grass Roots? Don't Bet On It!
Speaking of the Tea Baggers, we were all dead wrong.
Their name has nothing to do with the "Boston Tea Party," as they would have you believe. It has everything to do with "Black Tea," which is another name for Crude Oil.
Seems like Big Oil has figured out that Baggers are "Very Useful Tools" in the quest to drill for Crude in the Gulf, in the Atlantic, in the Pacific, in ANWAR, and in just about every other square inch of dry land between them.
Heard from a very reliable source that Big Oil has and will continue to bank-roll Tea Baggers at venues such as C-PAC, where attendees can go Ga-Ga over the Diva Of The Drilling Rig, the Great Mamma Grizzlie Herself, Sarah Palin.
In case you forget, Palin's mantra is "Drill, Baby, Drill!"
We have a few thousand tea Baggers down here that picket against ObamaCare most weekends.
I absolutely love the Aging Rose who carries a sign which reads (and I am not making this up):
"Get Government Away From My Medicare & Social Security!"
It Must Run In The Family...
My Boys are gonna take a mid-winter plunge into Long Island Sound on Valentine's Day -- to raise money for local charities in their area.
They call it: "The Penguin Plunge."
I call it: "Insanity."
I did something similar many years ago on a New Year's Day, after over-serving myself on the Eve. About all I remember was ... it took a month for my "you know whats" to distend, after shrinking back into my abdomen.
So, Good Luck Mike & Tommy!
What we won't do in the name of Charity.
Eating Humble Pie...
I lost my Super Bowl Bet to Laura G. She nailed it! Even got the score!
Congrats, Laura. You get your Pint of Guinness next time I see ya!
Slante To All!
Eating Humble Pie...
I lost my Super Bowl Bet to Laura G. She nailed it! Even got the score!
Congrats, Laura. You get your Pint of Guinness next time I see ya!
Slante To All!
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