Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday Smorgasbord 2/19

How To Win A Seat In Congress

I avoid giving away political advice for free, but in this case I'm making an exception.

My Congressman, Connie Mack IV -R/ 14th FL, is lining up his ducks for a run against Sen. Bill Nelson.  Connie has about $500-Large left over from his last campaign and he's out there raising even more cash to "retire" Bill.

(The Macks view a seat in the Senate as somewhat of a Legacy: Connie's Dad, Mack The Third, was elected Senator twice, back in the 1980s.)

So, here we go with ...

Free Tip No. One:

If Democrats have any prospect of getting one of their own elected to Congress, they had better get off of their Duffs and back a viable candidate who has the ability to harvest about $1 Million on the Fund-Raising Circuit.

Free Tip No. Two:

Recruit Deone Sanders.

The Cruellest Cuts ...

Now that the US House is in control of the Neo-Cons, it came as no shock that federal funds for Family Planning agencies were cut to Zero.

You know how Neo-Cons loathe those "waskily wabbits" who seek to improve the lives and times of the Less Fortunate -- and when you toss federal funding for Abortion into the mix, Out Come The Knives! (Unless, of course,  Neo-Con's daughter is involved ...)

Next up for the Cutting Floor: NPR & Rural Legal Aid.

Time for Garrison to fire up the P.O.E.M. Lobby!

I'd call Connie Mack personally, to encourage him to back off and reconsider voting against these cuts.

But it would be a waste of my time: and your time. Connie is the Neo-Con's Prince Charming.

I'd probably have better luck trying to get Pope Benedict to allow women into the Priesthood.

Conservative Hallucinations & Other Goofy-Dust

I was absolutely stunned when I heard newly-elected US Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) embracing former Senator Russ Feingold's take on opposing extension of the Patriot Act.

Paul quoted Feingold, at-length, in a Dear Colleague Letter, explaining why many provisions of the Patriot Act violate the letter and spirit of the United States Constitution.

Paul makes it seems as though he and Feingold are Political Blood Brothers -- when, in fact, they are Political Polar Opposites: Feingold was, and remains, a Progressive/Liberal Democrat while Paul got elected in Kentucky as an Arch Conservative / Libertarian-Leaning Republican.

The real "Hoot" came when Conservative Talk Radio picked up on all of this, enbracing Feingold's logic!

I'll pay Paul this complement: his Dear Colleague Letter was a quintessence of Elegance. While quoting Feingold at-length, it also examined James Otis' reasoning why the police power of any Governmental Authority must be limited to the extreme.

Paul has demonstrated to the Far Right and to the Neo-Cons, once and for all, that Progressives and Liberals are perfectly capable of reading and interpreting the Constitution.

Thank You, Senator!

Ending On A Sad Note ...

News arrived today that our good friend & neighbor, Martha Ann Doyle, lost her battle with pancreatic cancer.

Fought it for months .. woke one morning with major back ache ... took chemo in seat near mine ... passed in her 58th year with Family by her side at Hope Hospice ...

Our hearts go out to Dave & the kids & we will miss her more than you may know ...

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