Monday, February 28, 2011

History of the United States - Part I

C'mon, kiddies.

Sit down on the floor and let Gramps tell you a story about our country, the Good Old U. S. of A.

Way back when there was, a few good men and women folk decided they'd taken just about enough crap as the could from the King. You see, the King taxed everything and anything but all that money went right back to England. Not a cent was spent here.

So the Good Folks said to the King: "Screw You! No Taxation Without Representation!"

But the King had an answer for 'em:

"Hooray For Me: You Can Go To Hell!"

He wasn't about to change things around the Palace much, what with all of them there powdered wigs, High Teas, and wenches, and such.

The King even let his Red Coats break down the doors of those nice folks' homes. Let' em sleep in their bedrooms.

So the good people got together and wrote themselves a Declaration of Independence. They told the King, so to speak, where he could stick his taxes, his powdered wigs, his wenches, and his soldiers.

Today, we like to call it: in the Place where the Sun don't shine.

By and by, the good folk fought a little war with the King & the Red Coats over the matter. The French helped out a bit. Sent us a dude named Rochambeau, and another cat called Lafayette.

Today, we still tip our hats to 'em: named one of our favorite foods "French Fries." And that's a fact!

Anyway ...

War-fightin' costs money. As it happened, just about the only ones who had any money left over were the Rich Folk.

So the good folk had to take out a few loans from the Rich Folk, to pay for all of them muskets and gunpowder they used to shoot at King's soldiers, to run 'em out of the country.

After the war stopped, the Rich Folk wanted to control the new country, claiming that since they ponied up the money to procure the feedom, they were entitled to govern it.

But the good folk had an answer. They said: "Wait a minute, Chester! You put up the cash. But we put up the Blood, Sweat and Tears!"

The Rich Folks didn't like being talked to like that.

But they were smart.

They realized they had just two options open: stay here and pretend to play nice in the Sand Box; or go back to England and get themselves hung.

They weren't fools.

They decided to stay here, lay low like a snake for a while, and bide their time.

Anyhow, the Good Folk went off to Philadelphia. They wrote themselves a Constitution -- which is kind of like a Big Blue Print that told other good folk in the country how things would run and how things were going to be.

They even added a few amendments at the end of it, to guarantee the rights of every citizen.

But the Rich Folk didn't like this Constitution-thang too much, either.

They started a group back then called the "anti-federalists" to bitch and moan about anything and everything.

(Today, the "anti-federalists" are called the "Tea Baggers." That's the God's Honest Truth!)

And every once in a while, the Rich Folk try to steal everything back.

They see economic and political power as their Divine Right, in repayment for liberties that were actually purchased by the Blood, Sweat and Tears of the Good Folks.

And to keep the good folk off-balance, Rich Folks create something called a "recession" or an occasional "depression" from time to time.

When they find their money situation getting tight -- and by "tight," I mean that they're bank accounts are down to under $100 million -- they start something called a "war."

As far as I can tell, the Rich Folk were the only ones who benefitted by and by. Heck, they even didn't have to send their children or their grandkids off to do the fightin'.

Oh, well...

Gramps is gettin' a tad tired right about now.

So I'll stop.

But before I head off to the Bunk House to take a little snooze, I'd like to end it by telling y'all about a man named Woody Guthrie.

He wrote a song called "This Land Is Your Land" many years ago. That song sums up how Good Folks feel about the Good Old U. S. Of A.

Might want to check it out on Google or U Tube if and when y'all have the time.

So, Now!

C'mon over and give Gramps a Big Ole Wet Kiss before he hits the hay!

Oh! By the way. The anti-federalist, Neo-Con, Tea Baggers absolutely despise Woody.

And that, as I like to say, is another story ...

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