Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Low-Down From The Arab Street

The Talking Heads are in their Mecca with all of the turmoil brewing in the Muslim World.

The Gloom & Doomers wring their hands that the riots in the Arab Street portend the End Of The World As We Know It. The Partly Sunny Crew applauds the Arab Street for allowing the Refreshing Winds Of Democracy to spread across one of the most people-oppressing parts of the Planet.

The "Black Tea Addicts" sob that the price of gasoline will hit $6 a gallon here if "extremists" get their hands on production. The Green Team (and by that, I don't mean the Green Bay Packers) counterclaim that the timing couldn't be better for the US to convert our economy to one fueled by sustainable resources.

The way I see it: despots are getting their Just Desserts for impoverishing their own people. Been doing it for decades. What did they expect to happen when they and their families profited from two-to-three-fold increases in the price of basic necessities (like food) and when their people struggle to find meaningful employment?

The Tunisians, Egyptians, Yemenis, Jordanians, Syrians, Saudis, and all of the rest who live in an oppressed world have taken all they can take.

The best thing we can do is this: encourage Barack & Co. to keep a very low profile until matters calm down over there.

I have several friends who have emigrated to the US from that part of the world. They counsel that the Arab Street Revolution is very complicated for Americans to grasp. I know this sounds like a Duh. But think about it for a few seconds and try to understand what's happening through the eyes and the testimony of people who actually lived in the affected part of this planet at some point in their lives.

Here's their witness:

The people we see on CNN and other news outlets are, essentially, people with their own customs, law, and religious faith. Just about all of what and who they are has been suppressed by their despotic leaders for generations.

The key element here is this: these people have been reduced to poverty while their despots enjoy Jet-Set Lifestyles and Swiss Bank Accounts larded with Billions.

Yes, scores will be settled. Yes, we can expect to see much violence on CNN and Aljeezera for the short term. Yes, oil markets will spike to record-high prices. And, yes, Israel has much to worry about.

So do Americans, who bear the brunt of Arab hatred for maintaining a military presence in Saudi Arabia and for ruining Iraq. (Curiously, not one of my friends bears lasting malice for what went down in Afghanistan. Seems we all agree that the Taliban are Bad Guys who had a dose of 9/11 Revenge coming to them.)

Another extremely important point to ponder: if my friends are correct, Iran will be regarded as a side-line cheerleader, not a player in this gambit. It's virtually impossible for Sunni Muslims (Egyptians, Jordanians, Tunisians, et. al.) to square things away with Iranian Shiite Muslims. They've been going at each other strong since the Seventh Century AD.

This is an Arab Street Revolution that is being waged for basic reasons: those who have not want to live their lives in peace, prosperity, freedom, and as masters of their own fate.

I know, I know. What do we do with the Islamic Brotherhood. What do we do with fringe Jihadists who mingle among the throngs?

The answer is: Nothing! The people protesting for basic rights out on the Arab Street will take care of these matters.

Let's stay out of their way and give them their opportunity.

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