Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Really Happened To Unions

There's a Joke circulating around, one that might have a more-than-coincidental bearing on Labor Unrest in Wisconsin, Ohio, New Jersey and -- very soon -- in a slew of other states near you.

The Joke goes something like this:

A life-time Union Democrat Guy named Charley is about to retire and move to Florida. Been on the job almost 46 years.

So he sells the house, gets his gold watch, signs some papers, and then he and the Missus hop into their Buick and head South.

Day after he arrives in the Sunshine State, he goes down to the bank, opens an account, and deposits the big check he got at the Closing.

Next, Charley buys a Condo.

Then, he trades in the Buick for a new Lexus rag top.

So he and the Missus drive over to the County Building, to file for their Homestead Exemption.

And while they're there, they both register as Republicans.

The County Clerk, himself a Republican, and seeing they both were life-long Democrats now signing up with the GOP, casually asks why they were changing political parties.

To which Charley says:

"My kids are all long out of college. I made a killing when I sold the house. I got my pension, Social Security, and a pretty good medical plan through Medicare. And I upgraded my car to a Lexus. Now that I'm retired, life is great! Who needs the Democrats!"

Sorry, Charley: You Do!

And I'm not talking about the Blue Dogs (fiscally-conservative, socially liberal Ds), I'm saying you'll need Liberals and Progressives to come riding to the Rescue if the Neo-Con Conservative, Tea Bagger-backed Wing of the GOP gets its way.

They're starting slow: going after Collective Bargaining Rights. If they win this one, they'll negate your right to Strike. It's also just a matter of time before they come after your State Pension & Benefit Plan.

But why should the Neo-Cons and their allies stop there? They'll also be gunning to de-certify State Unions entirely -- screwing your Union brothers and sisters back home -- at the same time, looking for ways to Privatize state services over the next two years.

If you think this can't happen, I have just one word for you: "Wackenhut."

What many, if not most, unions and their members fail to remember is this crucial point: The Republican Party's Conservative Wing and their allies such as the Neo-Cons and the Tea Baggers, have been praying for -- and planning -- your demise for more than 80 years.

The only factors that stood in their way from way back then until a few years ago were stronger unions that those which exist today, a handful of Republicans (such as Jacob Javits, Ed Brooke and Lowell Weicker,) and the Democratic Party.

Care to ask yourself who controls the US House and the state houses where Labor is Under Siege today?

It's up to the now-and- future Charleys of this World to take them all back.

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